speak dutch with confidence


Start Communicating Effortlessly Now
At Work or in Your Personal Life!

Do you recognize this?

You have already done a few Dutch courses. You have invested time and money. But you still don’t use the language. You know your Dutch could use another boost, because now …

You feel insecure

Every time you want to speak Dutch, you have the feeling that you make too many mistakes, or that you sound silly. That makes you feel so uncomfortable. And then, when you try to speak in Dutch, your conversational partners switch to English! What do you need to feel confident in Dutch?

You feel frustrated

In your work and private life. Maybe you live in the Netherlands because of your work or study. But as you don’t master the language well enough, you feel that you are limited in your professional or personal life. What can you do to remove those obstacles?

You feel alone

You came to live in the Netherlands because of your partner’s job. You think it is important to integrate in the Dutch society, but you don’t dare to speak the language. How can you become confident enough, so you can connect with other people?

You're not the person you are in your mother tongue

During business meetings, you manage to understand. And you can express yourself a little bit. But you’re not able to make jokes, or to spice up your language. What can you do so people get to know the real you?

It takes a lot of time to speak or write in Dutch

You have to think before you say something. Or you have to look up words before you write something. Or maybe someone has to check your texts. How do you work efficiently and autonomously in Dutch?

You feel stressed when you're at a business meeting

Panic sets in when you want to say something. You can’t get your words out, which affirms your feeling that your Dutch is not good enough. So you end up saying nothing at all. You’re afraid that people think that you don’t add anything to the meeting, and wonder why you’ve been invited to the meeting. What strategy should you use to add value during a business meeting, even when speaking in Dutch?

You feel left out

When your colleagues have lunch together. They make jokes and talk through one another. And they speak fast! You don’t really understand any of it. How can you participate in their conversations, and be part of the group?

You can't find a nice job or get promoted

Even though you’re a specialist in your field. But for jobs at your level, you have to be more proficient in Dutch. What steps can you take, to get your Dutch to a professional level?

Your social life is not as active as you would like

You feel it’s hard to connect with people if you don’t speak Dutch. It doesn’t feel right that they switch to English for you. And because of that, you feel isolated, and a little lonely. Maybe you’re even thinking about just leaving the Netherlands again. How do you make friends with the Dutch and feel at home in the Netherlands


  • Joining lunch conversations with your colleagues in Dutch?
  • Never needing others to switch to English for you because you can join the conversation in Dutch?
  • Working efficiently and independently in Dutch?
  • Applying for any job, even those requiring Dutch proficiency?
  • Mastering Dutch so well that making friends becomes easy, even if they are Dutch?
  • Living the life you want, free from language barriers

DNA Languages, the language trainer for long-lasting success, makes sure you’ll be completely confident in Dutch in your private and professional life. 

We offer a unique program with a combination of a live event to practice your skills, follow-up coach calls, a buddy system and a community. 

How you're going to master the Dutch language

Improving your language skills helps you to communicate with confidence. The language will no longer limit you in your conversations. You can be who you are, and connect with whomever you wish: friends, neighbors, colleagues… And have the job you aspire to. Work independently and efficiently. Communicate powerfully, without having to think about the language. This is now possible with the training Communicate with Confidence.

what our clients say:

what our clients say:

What to expect?

The Communicate with Confidence program is the best way to boost your Dutch, so you can communicate without language barriers in your professional and private life. With guaranteed long-lasting results. 

Step 1

We begin with a thorough analysis of your learning experiences and skills in Dutch. In this 1-on-1 conversation we dicusss what you've done so far to learn Dutch, what worked, and what didn't. In which situations do you still find it difficult to use the language. What are the situations in which you'd like to be able to express yourself with full confidence in the future? What are your personal learning goals and focus areas? Do you feel uncertain about grammar or pronunciation, or do you mainly want to expand your vocabulary? Or do you simply lack practice? Based on all this information, we'll draw up a personal learning program in consultation with you.

Step 2

You become a member of our community COMMUNICATION WITH CONFIDENCE. This is the closed platform where you have access to your learning materials and theory, videos, exercises and much more. You'll find the schedule for the coach calls here and you can watch them back. It is also the place to exchange experiences and tips with fellow students. All students are ambitous international professionals, motivated to improve their language skills. In the community, we connect you with your language buddy, who will keep you accountable during your language learning process.

Step 3

This is where the magic happens: we're going to help you really use your Dutch. We do this through a varied program of activities focused on speaking and understanding the language. In situations, you encounter in your work or private life. Our trainers guide you to make sure you reach your personal learning goals. What kind of activities can you expect? We'll organise activities like business games, role plays, simulations of work situations, interactive assignments, socially related situations such as playing sports together, enjoying an outdoor activity, exchanging cultural experiences, discussing the news, listening to (and singing ;-0) Dutch songs, etc. You will be immersed for 10 hours, and have lunch and dinner together with your fellow students. Meals and breaks are shared, with our language coaches around to help and support you in using the language.

Step 4

In steps 1 to 3, you have built an important foundation for your Dutch language skills. Now, it is important to apply what you have learnt in your own work and private environment. Because that's what it was all about: really using the language! And to guide and support you in this, we organize a coach call every 2 weeks. And that for 20 weeks! During these calls, you can share your successes, tell us what you ran into, but also ask questions. And of course, you can practice your Dutch again, in a safe environment with your fellow students.


This intensive language course with our 4-stepsprogram is the smartest way to develop lasting skills. It is not only fun, but also extremely efficient, as we ensure you’ll be able to use the Dutch with complete confidence, and without boundaries. The only way to learn a language is to invest time in putting what you have learned into practice. And to keep on practicing.

With this set-up, you are guaranteed to make the step to really using the language. The program is compact and efficient, so that you make great progress in a relatively short time. 


Hello, I am Anneke and in my career as a language coach I have helped thousands of people improve their language skills. In 2010, I founded DNA Languages, since I had my own ideas about how people could make the step from insecure to successful language users.

As a 5-year-old girl, I moved from the north of the country to the south. Everyone there spoke a dialect! I didn’t understand any of it and felt like an outsider. I felt very strongly myself how annoying it is to be different and out of the group, if you don’t master the language.

That is where my mission was born: to help people feel confident in a language that is not theirs. Language is so important, we use it all the time, for everything we do. So when you master the language, it helps you live the life you want. It helps you connect with people, integrate and become part of the community.

To make sure people gain confidence, we created a special program. We believe that to gain self-confidence, our clients need to experience successes while practicing the language. Therefore, we create a safe environment, and build a warm relationship with them, and provide the conditions necessary for learning.

By making the training fit well with their work and personal lives, they achieve amazing results. Our 4-step program is a great asset: because we have a long “aftercare” process, we guarantee long-term results. 


Hello, I am Anneke and in my career as a language coach I have helped thousands of people improve their language skills. In 2010, I founded DNA Languages, since I had my own ideas about how people could make the step from insecure to successful language users.

As a 5-year-old girl, I moved from the north of the country to the south. Everyone there spoke a dialect! I didn’t understand any of it and felt like an outsider. I felt very strongly myself how annoying it is to be different and out of the group, if you don’t master the language.

That is where my mission was born: to help people feel confident in a language that is not theirs. Language is so important, we use it all the time, for everything we do. So when you master the language, it helps you live the life you want. It helps you connect with people, integrate and become part of the community.

To make sure people gain confidence, we created a special program. We believe that to gain self-confidence, our clients need to experience successes while practicing the language. Therefore, we create a safe environment, and build a warm relationship with them, and provide the conditions necessary for learning.

By making the training fit well with their work and personal lives, they achieve amazing results. Our 4-step program is a great asset: because we have a long “aftercare” process, we guarantee long-term results.

see what our clients are saying:

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